Music is the art of producing pleasing or expressive combinations of tones, especially with melody, rhythm, and usually harmony. Music is a specialized field for the talented artists who create it, but it bursts beyond exclusivity as soon as it’s heard by listeners.  Believe it or not, there are about 7000 different spoken languages throughout the world today. Still, if there’s one thing that transcends all languages, it is music. One of the most beautiful things about it is how music unites the world in one form or another. It doesn’t matter what language you speak or where you are from. Music is a language that all of us can understand. I believe music has the power to evoke human emotions without any boundary of language and culture. As Plato said, “Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination”. I also believe music in itself is healing. It’s an explosive expression of humanity. It’s something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we’re from, everyone loves music.

Aside from all of the numerous reasons why we humans love music, it is also because music is universal. Music doesn’t care what kind of car you drive, where you live, or what language you speak. One of the best ways to prove this is the way people can fall in love with a song even when they don’t speak or understand the language it is being sung in. This rule applies to people in any part of the world where they can end up feeling passionate about an artist and his/her music from another country. A case in point is how many famous singers such as Katy Perry, Adele, Justin Bieber, and Beyonce have constantly sold-out concerts in all parts of the world. These concerts take place in countries where very few people speak or understand a word of English. However, they simply love the artist and his or her music. The late pop singer & icon Michael Jackson was widely loved all over the world. His music eclipsed the language barrier as his sold-out concerts and millions of records sold worldwide proved that. Many of us have heard songs, watched a video on  YouTube, or in a concert in a language, we did not understand. However, we were instantly smitten by the rhythm or beat we listened to. This confirms that the love for music can be evident even when we don’t understand it.

The 7th UN General Kofi Anan said “You all might be thinking what music has got to do with the UN? My answer is that music has to do with everything” in the lecture of Professor Leon  Botstein on ‘why music matters. In a world of diversity where often values clash, music leaps across language barriers and unites people of quite different cultural backgrounds.  And so, through music, all people can come together to make the world a more harmonious place. Music is important in most people’s lives independent of their cultural origin. Music can foster bonds between people and communicate values and identity. It exists in every society (both with and without words), varies more within than between societies, and regularly supports certain types of behavior. During the recent COVID-19  pandemic, music has given support to many frontline workers and patients in fighting the situation. What’s more surprising is that many people on the verge of their death enjoy music. According to psychological research by Martin Seligman, many people take musical support because it tends to fill the emptiness within. Music and sometimes its words provoke the emotions and memories within us and music helps to release them. The same music can matter differently from person to person yet it can touch each and everyone’s soul.

Hence, music is universal; music lets us connect without language. It is exemplified exactly why music is a language that the entire world can understand and how music unites the world. Once Leonard Bernstein said, “Music . . . can name the unnamable and communicate  the unknowable.” So, it can unite people across seven seas without even having to use the word.

-Aarushka Kattel

One Comment

  1. anisha

    it is very helpful thank you sir

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